Friday, December 02, 2005

'Tis the Season

There’s no doubt in my mind that winter is my least favorite of the seasons. I dread the cold weather, feel constricted in sweaters and hate not being able to leave my windows open. However, there are some positives to this time of year. Christmastime in Manhattan is absolutely one of my favorite things. It’s such a perfect time and place. At home, yes, the main drag gets decorated with some white lights and green garland, but only in this city does the entire island celebrate the holiday together.

I was walking around today and was overwhelmed with the little things of beauty all around me. On 5th avenue between 49th and 50th streets, there is an enormous building with huge lit snowflakes in every window. Every tree along 57th street is completely covered in white lights. Not just one strand of twinkle lights like my dad would have thrown over the bushes in front of our house, but several hundred hugging the entire tree that would otherwise be lifeless during the colder months.

At the Columbus Circle entrance to Central Park there are tables of trinkets for sale. Jewelry, antiques, pictures… It looks similar to the fairs I remember my high school holding. In the five seconds that I spent walking by it, I was swept away by the sight of the all the people that it brought together. Yes, the Staten Island Mall brings shoppers together as well, but it’s clearly not the same.

While I despise wearing winter clothing, it makes everyone look so cozy. Hats, gloves, scarves and winter coats wake me think about snuggling. Especially when you see them walking by in pairs on a couple strolling down Central Park West. People talk of “summer love” being the best – but that’s usually a fling. Winter has a strange way of making love look so much more beautiful.

Now it just needs to snow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the building with the snowflakes is saks and it really is beautiful. Last nite around 10 that building did a whole light show to amazing christmas music you should catch it if u have the chance. mwa

6:46 PM  
Blogger Evan S. said...

What about the Jews? I don't remember Jews celebrating Christmas.

8:39 AM  

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