So, I'm having what seems to be a normal conversation with my friend Alan last night, when he tells me his big news - he's engaged!
I was speechless. Alan recently reconnected with an ex-ex-ex-ex girlfriend from California and they haven't been able to stop talking. Then, maybe a month into it, she met him in DC and then came to visit for a little while here in New York. All week long they did it like bunnies, adding the last piece to their puzzle - c'mon you need to be sexually compatible.
Well, I guess that went great all week, because now they're engaged. I still can't believe it. This is my second friend to become engaged recently and I feel like we're growing up so fast. That makes me so happy and so sad all at the same time - what an awkward feeling.
That's all it took. A month. I think that is absolutely amazing, because I can only imagine how powerful their feelings must be for each other. I've been in seriously relationships before (JJ was my longest - two years), but to know so quickly that you can't live without the person you're with? That's beautiful. I don't think I've ever felt like that. I mean, when I was in that relationship, we talked about marriage and the future a lot, and at the time I was wholly interested in it. But sometimes, looking back, I don't know. I mean, JJ obviously wasn't the guy I couldn't live without, because I am. And that was my choice.
There's got to be something I've been missing in my past relationships. Actually, it's really only my two recent serious relationships - my very first steady boyfriend and I dated for a year. When we broke up, I was so torn apart. And for months. Years, actually. That was the first time that I let myself love someone and gave myself to them completely, so when it ended it felt like my whole world had crumbled. He was my whole world. I guess I just never let myself get that vulnerable again. I guess I was afraid of getting so badly hurt again. I guess I hadn't given myself wholly to anyone since then and that would explain why my other two relationships weren't as devastating when they ended.
Wow, this had started as such a happy blog lol. Congratulations Alan! I heart you!
I was speechless. Alan recently reconnected with an ex-ex-ex-ex girlfriend from California and they haven't been able to stop talking. Then, maybe a month into it, she met him in DC and then came to visit for a little while here in New York. All week long they did it like bunnies, adding the last piece to their puzzle - c'mon you need to be sexually compatible.
Well, I guess that went great all week, because now they're engaged. I still can't believe it. This is my second friend to become engaged recently and I feel like we're growing up so fast. That makes me so happy and so sad all at the same time - what an awkward feeling.
That's all it took. A month. I think that is absolutely amazing, because I can only imagine how powerful their feelings must be for each other. I've been in seriously relationships before (JJ was my longest - two years), but to know so quickly that you can't live without the person you're with? That's beautiful. I don't think I've ever felt like that. I mean, when I was in that relationship, we talked about marriage and the future a lot, and at the time I was wholly interested in it. But sometimes, looking back, I don't know. I mean, JJ obviously wasn't the guy I couldn't live without, because I am. And that was my choice.
There's got to be something I've been missing in my past relationships. Actually, it's really only my two recent serious relationships - my very first steady boyfriend and I dated for a year. When we broke up, I was so torn apart. And for months. Years, actually. That was the first time that I let myself love someone and gave myself to them completely, so when it ended it felt like my whole world had crumbled. He was my whole world. I guess I just never let myself get that vulnerable again. I guess I was afraid of getting so badly hurt again. I guess I hadn't given myself wholly to anyone since then and that would explain why my other two relationships weren't as devastating when they ended.
Wow, this had started as such a happy blog lol. Congratulations Alan! I heart you!
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