Hello, my name is Bellezza and I'm here because...
I'm just gunna say it - I have a problem. I guess the first step towards a cure is admitting that you have problem, so here I go.
I am a chronic away message checker.
Now, I know what you're thinking: yeah, me too, no big deal. No - it is. It's an addiction. It's amazing how easy it is to keep up with your friends' lives by simply checking their away messages regularly. You know their mood, who they're with and oodles of other info. What are my friends doing right now?
1. "Cooking like there is no tomorrow" Okay, this friend wants me to be curious as to what they're cooking and then they will try to tempt anyone who asks about it to come over and try the dish. We don't know what they're cooking, thus the necessity in asking to start a conversation.
2. "Q: Why do we fall? A: So that we might better learn to pick ourselves up." Okay, this person has obviously seen Batman Begins, but since they altered the line ("Why do we fall master Bruce?") the away message is not simply about their interest in the film. It's personal - this person recently fell - they've been hurt somehow recently. And probably by someone, because by adding the "so that we might better learn to pick ourselves up" means that they want the person that hurt them to know that they'll be just fine and that they won't let that person keep them down for too long.
3. "Going out somewhere to do something with somebody call my cell if you need me" Hmm. I'm not sure if this person is actually out. The total lack of specifics will (they hope) leave their friends thinking that they must be doing something fantastic. However, they are waiting for someone to call them, so probably sitting at home.
*Don't put your phone number in your away message or your profile. That just means you're hoping that your phone hasn't been ringing because people don't know your number.*
4. "I think it's time for Taco Bell." They're at Taco Bell.
5. "I am away from my computer right now" C'mon. I hate that. Be a little creative.
6. Note: any away message in a foreign language is extremely personal and meant specifically for one person.
7. "I'm in a mood" They want you to ask them what's wrong. They're not ready to just flat out IM their friends and start bitching about something. But, they hope that some of their closest friends will see it as a request to ask how they can help.
Okay, that's plenty for now. When I see some really good ones I'll randomly jot them down with my interpretation. Hey it's something else to do besides homework :)
ps- I'm not sure how this is supposed to cure my ailment, but it was entertaining.
I am a chronic away message checker.
Now, I know what you're thinking: yeah, me too, no big deal. No - it is. It's an addiction. It's amazing how easy it is to keep up with your friends' lives by simply checking their away messages regularly. You know their mood, who they're with and oodles of other info. What are my friends doing right now?
1. "Cooking like there is no tomorrow" Okay, this friend wants me to be curious as to what they're cooking and then they will try to tempt anyone who asks about it to come over and try the dish. We don't know what they're cooking, thus the necessity in asking to start a conversation.
2. "Q: Why do we fall? A: So that we might better learn to pick ourselves up." Okay, this person has obviously seen Batman Begins, but since they altered the line ("Why do we fall master Bruce?") the away message is not simply about their interest in the film. It's personal - this person recently fell - they've been hurt somehow recently. And probably by someone, because by adding the "so that we might better learn to pick ourselves up" means that they want the person that hurt them to know that they'll be just fine and that they won't let that person keep them down for too long.
3. "Going out somewhere to do something with somebody call my cell if you need me" Hmm. I'm not sure if this person is actually out. The total lack of specifics will (they hope) leave their friends thinking that they must be doing something fantastic. However, they are waiting for someone to call them, so probably sitting at home.
*Don't put your phone number in your away message or your profile. That just means you're hoping that your phone hasn't been ringing because people don't know your number.*
4. "I think it's time for Taco Bell." They're at Taco Bell.
5. "I am away from my computer right now" C'mon. I hate that. Be a little creative.
6. Note: any away message in a foreign language is extremely personal and meant specifically for one person.
7. "I'm in a mood" They want you to ask them what's wrong. They're not ready to just flat out IM their friends and start bitching about something. But, they hope that some of their closest friends will see it as a request to ask how they can help.
Okay, that's plenty for now. When I see some really good ones I'll randomly jot them down with my interpretation. Hey it's something else to do besides homework :)
ps- I'm not sure how this is supposed to cure my ailment, but it was entertaining.
My dear friend tara informed me that I forgot to mention one of the most important away messages..."in the shower" haha you know you just want everyone to picture you nekkid!
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