Monday, October 24, 2005

A Little Bit Random

If I could have any super power what would it be? Hmm...something very important to consider is the balance between the positive and negative aspects of the power.

For example, let's take the ability to read minds. Could be fun...could use to your advantage in class...could find someone in need... But, what about things we shouldn't hear? Besides the weight of knowing everyone's innermost secrets, you might not want to hear little things like, "omg, I can't believe she's [you] wearing that shirt - what a skank". Sometimes I'd rather hear the white lie, "wow, you look so hot!" Additionally, what if you couldn't control the power? You could go crazy hearing all those voices and have to live on a deserted island.

Premonitions? It might be advantageous to see things before they actually happen, because you might be able to help someone who's about to get hurt. Or, on a smaller level, know that you don't have to get out of bed and take a shower, because you're only going to walk to class to see that it's cancelled. Sleep longer. However, what happens to all those wonderful surprises in life? When you're being walked to your door at the end of a perfect third date, how much fun could it possibly be if you already know that your new someone special is going to give you the most amazing kiss of your life? The butterflies could never be the same as when there's the thrill of not knowing.

Maybe a better power would be telekinesis. That's a pretty awesome one - Alex Mack style. What if I could move objects with my mind? Telekinesis is probably one of the more controllable superpowers. I could use it when I needed to, whether it's out of laziness or maybe protection. Hmm. I'm liking this. Plus, it's an active power, so you could totally show it off to people - well, the select special people in your life :) Down side? Perhaps the laziness. Alrighty, if you guys see me gaining any weight it means I've mastered the phenomenon of telekinesis and am being very lazy... Still sweet though.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went through the whole superpower question. I'd prefer being a shapeshifter. Be able to morph myself into other people and objects...this way I can step on the expressway, against traffic, and form myself into either a) a massive oil spill, b) a spotlight, or c) a giant steel wall that covers every lane. Then, I also considered becoming invisible on top of that. This way, nobody can see the giant wall in front of them. Clutch for down escalators.

And, with telekinesis, I was wondering how laziness would come into play, but then I thought about it a little more and realized the answer. But, you can't be all that lazy unless you decided to carry yourself everywhere you went. Plus, what about moving stuff around your house? Sure, you can do it...but what if it's not in your field of view? Say you end up hitting a roommate with that triple decker sandwich and pitcher of raspberry iced tea you just poured yourself from the comfort of your chair. No good, my friend. No good.

I read the other blogs too. I'll comment there as well.


4:19 AM  

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