Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Kum bay ya (did I spell it right?)

Taurus: You're at the center of all the hustle and bustle in your increasingly busy routine. It may start to feel like just that - routine - but rest assured that all your actions have meaning and import, even the tiniest ones.

Camp has begun it's fall session. I'm SOOOO tired. It's the end of my third day of training (of 14) and I feel like it's been a month. I have absolutely noooo motivation to neither set up my room nor do res life stuff. I feel like I did it all already, even though that was obviously last year. Can I use the same door tags? Do I really really really have to do more room condition reports? I feel so busy yet I haven't actually started doing the work yet.

I have mixed opinions of this year's staff. A lot of them, the new freshmen RAs and freshmen mentors in particular, are great. They're fun, motivated and excited about the year. Others are sooo blahhhh and kind of bitchy. I think I've also got the "I've done this all before so I know better than you" attitude about some little things. Like today at duty crunch, I wished that some of the people would just shut the fuck up and listen, because we both know you don't know what you're doing.

As far as my bosses go, they are really awesome. Both my directors and my bosses beyond them in the office seem really cool and the student-staff is mostly already at a comfort level with them that it took months to get to with the people from last year. BUT, at the same time, they're not as good at their jobs as I would've liked. Like when we try to explain to you that "we don't have an option as to when to have the first floor meeting for freshmen" you need to take more seriously that we know what we're talking about and you can't just go-with-the-flow as much as you are.

I just don't wanna be one of the people doing extra work because a bunch of other people don't know what they're doing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's Kum Ba Yah. Yeah, I was a girl scout for 13 years.

And don't sweat it, hopefully very soon there will be at least one person in the office that knows what's going on. :-)

Fingers crossed....

3:40 PM  
Blogger Bellezza said...

ahhh i'm dying to find out!!!

5:41 AM  

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