Free bird
A few days ago, I was walking home from who-knows-where when a limo with a few teenage girls drove by. They were clearly very excited to be in the city and livin' large because they were dressed up and hanging out of the windows and sunroof of the limo. They were screaming, nothing in particular, as they wizzed by and I couldn't help my natural reaction.
I had the biggest smile on my face that I've had in a long time.
A moment later, I shrugged to myself thinking, what the hell am I smiling for? It's a bunch of dumb high school girls who probably went to their first Broadway show in a limo or are going to the after party of their prom. They look retarded...
But I didn't really feel that way. My intinct reaction was really what I was feeling in my heart. I couldn't help but smile - they looked so happy, having the time of their lives. Then I was jealous of them. I remembered my senior and junior proms, coming into the city with our "prom passes" for the clubs. I'm not even sure why, but they really were simpler days. I really miss when what to wear to school on "dress down day" was such an important decision. Now, we're all concerned about what higher education is right for us and what career path to take and who we want to spend the rest of our lives with (a bigger deal than who to take to prom).
I guess that seeing the free spirits in those girls brought back that feeling of excitement in the smaller things. I know we're not old, but i miss my youth. Not knowing if Santa was real. First kisses. First loves. First broken hearts. Going to prom. Having all of your friends live nearby. Talking on the phone with your best friend for hours even though you just spent all day in school together. Calling your friends at home and having to ask, "Hi is Gabby there?" and then chatting up her mom for a little while.
Not that I don't also love some of the pleasures of being 21 and living in NYC. The city hasn't completely sucked away my soul. (It is close though.) Dude, five years ago, I wouldn't be close to having a nephew. Btw, Jacob, when are you going to come out and play? I really thought he would've wanted to come out by today and watch the Super Bowl...
I had the biggest smile on my face that I've had in a long time.
A moment later, I shrugged to myself thinking, what the hell am I smiling for? It's a bunch of dumb high school girls who probably went to their first Broadway show in a limo or are going to the after party of their prom. They look retarded...
But I didn't really feel that way. My intinct reaction was really what I was feeling in my heart. I couldn't help but smile - they looked so happy, having the time of their lives. Then I was jealous of them. I remembered my senior and junior proms, coming into the city with our "prom passes" for the clubs. I'm not even sure why, but they really were simpler days. I really miss when what to wear to school on "dress down day" was such an important decision. Now, we're all concerned about what higher education is right for us and what career path to take and who we want to spend the rest of our lives with (a bigger deal than who to take to prom).
I guess that seeing the free spirits in those girls brought back that feeling of excitement in the smaller things. I know we're not old, but i miss my youth. Not knowing if Santa was real. First kisses. First loves. First broken hearts. Going to prom. Having all of your friends live nearby. Talking on the phone with your best friend for hours even though you just spent all day in school together. Calling your friends at home and having to ask, "Hi is Gabby there?" and then chatting up her mom for a little while.
Not that I don't also love some of the pleasures of being 21 and living in NYC. The city hasn't completely sucked away my soul. (It is close though.) Dude, five years ago, I wouldn't be close to having a nephew. Btw, Jacob, when are you going to come out and play? I really thought he would've wanted to come out by today and watch the Super Bowl...
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