Monday, November 06, 2006

Who on earth comes up with these random questions?

is there anything pink within 10 ft. of you? index cards, printout of my schedule, and a keychain

are you wearing socks right now? nope

what was the last thing you had to drink? OJ

last persons house you were in? mine...before mine, prob tara's

who is the last person you sent a message to on myspace? someone whose profile was deleted

do you have a tan? do i look like a staten island girl? lol

where is your dad right now? at work

what was the last thing you said? thank you

where is your mom right now? probably at home

do you have a roommate? no

do you have any bad habits? i still bite my nails

do you know anyone name Lori? my mommy!!!!! the correct spelling too

what color is your moms hair? haha, brown with blonde hilights

what happened to you in 1993? i was eight - in third grade, i broke my arm

has your luggage ever gotten lost? no, knock on wood

biggest annoyance in your life right this minute - it's cold

are you allergic to anything? school, and dust

what is one thing you miss about your past? my imagination

do you ever get flu shots? every year

favorite shoes that you wear all the time? two words - flip flop

if you were a crayon, what colour would you be? duh purple

what does the room you're in look like? it's my bedroom - it's mostly purple with a big bed and van gogh pics on the wall and pictures of my friends everywhere

what is the weirdest thing about your parents? my mom thinks it's ok to tell me about her sex life

how many keys are on your keychain? 4 - home, apartment, mike's and office

have you ever pranked call 911? no

have you ever been walked in on while you were naked? yes, by genevieve

have you ever made a snow angel? yes

rock, paper or scissors? FIRE

what would you rather have: a housekeeper, a cook or a chauffeur? chauffeur

last thing you got in the mail? vicky's!


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